It has always been difficult to transport fast logic signals long distances over copper conductors. Coaxial or twisted-pair transmission lines introduce attenuation, dispersion, ground loops, and provide an entrance point for external electrical noise. The result can be jitter, pulse width distortion, and ultimately logic errors.
The J720 is a compact signal-powered electrical-to-optical converter.
When used with a Highland Model J730, the combination can transport logic level or critical timing triggers over kilometer distances in high EMI environments with link jitter typically below 10 picoseconds RMS. The J730 provides a digital logic output with risetime below 750 picoseconds, and a fast analog (180 MHz bandwidth) output is also provided for monitoring link integrity.
The J720 is compatible with the Highland Model P500 Digital Delay/Pulse Generator and the company's VME-packaged electrical/optical converter products. The J720 is also an excellent driver for the T760 dual-channel, 100-volt optical-to-electrical converter.